About Us
QDevelopment provides innovative solutions in the field of pharmaceutical technology from batch and continuous R&D equipment to formulation process development and scale-up. In accordance with the newest trends in the pharmaceutical industry our company mainly focuses on the implementation of continuous technologies in pharmaceutical manufacturing (recommended by Food and Drug Administration) and on the formulation development of sensitive large molecules and poorly water soluble drugs.
Together with our manufacturing partner, Quick2000 Ltd. with 30 years’ experience (www.quick2000.hu) we supply GMP equipment such as roller compactor, twin screw extruder for continuous wet granulation, melt extrusion and continuous homogenization (3in1), batch and continuous dryers, high-shear granulator, spray dryer, mills and tailor-made equipment.
With our strategic partners (Quick2000, Technical and Medical Universities, etc.) we provide a wide range of services in technology design and development, formulation development, scaling-up and analytical support.